We may be our own world out here in deep space but we are still part of earth's problems. We need to be responsive to Arecibos situation. /We may be our own world out here in deep space but we are still part of earth's problems. We need to be responsive to Arecibos situation. /People have become fixed on having ice-cream for our 10th Anniversary... we should try to keep everyone happy./We should not make individual units bear the load alone and we should also maintain our contractual obligations./All colonies have this same problem potential. We should ensure that whatever we do does not create a bigger problem./We should help anyone getting used to the environment of space and we should safeguard our electrical elements./We should have a balanced approach. We need the analysis of the bad batches, find their locations and form some teams to work on these first. We also have to consider what these globules can do to our equipment... while our programs continue running./Certain tolerances are to be extended just because people have come to SpaceColonyH to live, but we should not let this get out of hand./The continuous operation of the foundry should be our first priority but not at the cost of overworking our people.